Thursday, February 21, 2013

Sony announces PlayStation 4

Google Glass' user interface revealed
Linked by Thom Holwerda on 02/20/13 11:40 UTC
GoogleThis is amazing. Not only has Google just opened up the pre-order program for Google Glass to 'creative individuals', it has also unveiled what the user interface looks like and how it works. It's... Nothing short of amazing. I'm throwing money, credit cards, my car keys, my house keys, my Surface RT, my cats, everything at my screen. I want this so bad. ^ 5??Read More ? 88 Comment(s)
Ubuntu Touch Preview coming to Nexus tablets this week Linked by Thom Holwerda on 02/19/13 16:23 UTC Ubuntu, Kubuntu, XubuntuAfter desktops and phones, Ubuntu is now bringing its Linux distribution to tablets. Coming Thursday, preview images for Google's Nexus tablets will be released, so we can all get a good long look at what Canonical is cooking up. They've published a YouTube video which details all that Ubuntu has to offer for tablets, and to be honest, it's looking quite good. ^ 7??Read More ? 75 Comment(s)
2012: a BSD year in retrospective

Linked by Julian Djamil Fagir on 02/14/13 22:23 UTC

BSD and Darwin derivativesBSD (Berkely System Distribution) was a research operating system based on the original AT&T Unix, developed by the University of Berkeley, California. It has been Open Source right from the beginning, and after the university lost interest in developing it further, several community projects started up (the very first ones were NetBSD and FreeBSD in the early nineties) to continue developing BSD. Anyway, Linux was born roughly at the same time, but a pending lawsuit about copyright infringements prevented the BSD projects to become as successful as Linux (though you could argue about the exact reasons). ^ 13??Read More ? 61 Comment(s)
Opera to switch desktop, mobile browsers to WebKit Linked by Thom Holwerda on 02/13/13 13:21 UTC Opera SoftwareDe kogel is door de kerk: as we already talked about earlier, Opera is going to switch to the WebKit engine, leaving its own Presto rendering engine behind. We didn't yet know if they would the switch only on mobile or on the desktop as well, and they cleared that up too: both mobile and desktop Opera Browsers will switch to the WebKit rendering engine. ^ 17??Read More ? 158 Comment(s)
What Ever Happened to OS/2? Linked by Howard Fosdick on 02/12/13 13:51 UTC OS/2 and eComStationRemember OS/2? Promoted as the successor to DOS in the late 1980's and early 1990's, the product wound up losing out to Windows and then slowly fading away. This article recounts what happened and summarizes OS/2 today. ^ 7??Read More ? 36 Comment(s)
Surface Pro reviews are in Linked by Thom Holwerda on 02/06/13 11:23 UTC WindowsAnd there we are - the Surface Pro reviews are in. Reading through them all, there's clearly a common theme, and it's not particularly positive. We're a few months in now, so I think we can finally call it: Windows 8 and Surface are the wrong way to go. ^ 3??Read More ? 100 Comment(s)
Battle of the Androids: Google Android vs. Samsung Android

Linked by Alexey Eromenko on 02/01/13 21:52 UTC

PDAs, Cellphones, WirelessMany people think that all Androids are equal and it's a race to the bottom where the cheapest vendor wins. This could not be farther from the truth. For me, it all began half-a-year ago, when I bought the Samsung Galaxy S III and was absolutely stunned by it, then exploring and comparing it with other Androids. Now that Google has fired a shot across the bow with its low pricing for the unlocked Nexus 4, where does that leave Samsung and its flagship handset? ^ 0??Read More ? 65 Comment(s)
Windows Phone 7.8: hollow, pointless, and essentially useless Linked by Thom Holwerda on 02/01/13 18:25 UTC WindowsA few days ago, Microsoft released the long-awaited Windows Phone 7.8 update for all those users who will be stuck on Windows Phone 7 forever because there's no upgrade path to Windows Phone 8 other than buying a new phone. Now that it's here, what, exactly, does WP7.8 to the table? ^ 7??Read More ? 81 Comment(s)
Blackberry 10, new devices officially launched Linked by Thom Holwerda on 01/30/13 23:06 UTC PDAs, Cellphones, WirelessAnd so, today, RIM announced its Hail Mary - a brand new mobile operating system (well, sort-of new), as well as two new devices. In addition, the Canadian company also officially changed its name from Research In Motion to Blackberry. The first few reviews of Blackberry 10 are already out, and it's not bad. The problem, however, is that in the case of Blackberry, 'not bad' could easily mean 'not good enough'. ^ 0??Read More ? 77 Comment(s)
Steam for Linux is in open beta Linked by boldingd on 01/29/13 23:12 UTC GamesIt seems to have so far escaped OSNews' notice (if the top few hits for a site-search for 'Steam' is any indication) that Steam for Linux is now in Open Beta; you can get the Linux steam client from So far, they appear to only be making an Ubuntu .deb available, and the client will require closed-source GPU drivers in order to work. ^ 5??Read More ? 74 Comment(s)


Pacific Rim tumblr Ravi Shankar Geminid meteor shower right to work Clackamas Town Center 12 12 12

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