Thursday, February 14, 2013

Paint Chip Bookmark {Inspired By Pinterest Craft Tutorial}


PaintChipBookmark_Header2 Has anyone else been magically drawn to the paint chip section of your local hardware store? All the pretty colors in a row so perfectly organized is spellbinding for me. Ok maybe I?m a design freak and this sort of thing is unique to me. If not, and you?d like a practical project to use these FREE and beautiful color swatches, read on!

When I saw this pin?I knew I wanted to try it. It?s such a simple idea but so cute! I went to the paint department and picked out every single chip that had red or pink on it and walked away with a smile on my face. My husband thought I was nuts I?m sure. The rest of the supplies I already had at home!

Supplies: Ribbon, scissors, hole punch, ballpoint pen or permanent marker (optional ? you?ll need one of these two as other options won?t stick to the paint), decorative punch (optional ? see pin link for example)

See simple instructions below image.


1) Pick out your paint swatches from your favorite local hardware store.

2) Gather your supplies at home (get creative and think outside of what I did here (different types of ribbon, raffia, wrapping ribbon with curls, glitter, etc)

3) Cut your paint chip in half vertically if you want a narrow bookmark (these paint chips were quite wide).?I drew a line and let her cut them because they were from?her. They were perfectly imperfect.

*TIP:?This narrow?size fit perfectly tucked inside of my daughter?s valentine?s for school so each of her little friends got one in their goody bag!

4) Punch a hole in the top.

5) String your ribbon through.

6) Tie a knot at the top.

*TIP: This type of ribbon was raveling at the top so I tied a knot at each end. The pin link had a different type of ribbon that might work better.

7) Punch a decorate hole or write a cute saying. Nora thought the ribbons looked like bunny ears so I drew a little face at the top and wrote ?Some Bunny Loves You? in each color block. Of course then she told me it looked like a cat. Sigh.
*Other Ideas: ?You Color My World?, ?I Love You?, ?S M I L E?, ?H O P E?

Check out this Valentine?s Day idea with paint chips and a heart punch (I searched my local craft store but they were sold out of every single heart craft punch ? go figure). The link takes you to a beautiful blog with a few other creative, craft ideas! I?m hoping to do another extra-special paint chip craft in the future. Stay tuned!



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