Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Unspoken Secret of Consulting

Go to any business meeting and ask someone, "How are things?" You'll undoubtedly get a "Great!" response.? I just came back from a national consultant meeting, and from the outward appearances of everyone in the room, we are all successful and doing "Great!"

But the hidden secret is not everyone is. Not in the business community ? and not in consulting.

Times are tough these days. There are more consultants out there, including wannabe, in-between job types. Businesses are watching their pennies so consulting jobs can be less available or are smaller. This economy makes any business, but especially consulting, more of a challenge than in the past.

So more start-ups, and even successful consultants, are struggling a bit.? And that's the unspoken secret.? We're not supposed to let others see us sweat.

I recently learned that a wonderfully talented consultant friend of mine was having a bad day.? When I called to offer moral support, I was surprised to learn she was really having a tough year.? It left me a bit shaken that this amazing person was not generating the income she needs and wants. Knowing how talented she is, it made me wonder who else is "sweating" and we don't know it.

I'm a group-oriented person who needs my "peeps".? They give me ideas. They tell me when I need to alter course. They energize me. I let them know when I'm sweating and need a cool, refreshing drink of water and their help. Just last week when I was feeling particularly overwhelmed, one of them challenged me by pointing out I was trying to put a quart of liquid (my workload) into a pint size container (me and the # of hours in the day).? I knew it ? but hearing it from someone else jarred me back to reality.? She asked me, "If you were coaching me and I told you all the things I was doing, what would you tell me?"? A great question, and it has changed my course of action for the rest of the year. I'm taking action to put margins back in my life.

I believe today's businesses need consultants more than ever. I also believe there are more opportunities than ever ? if you know how to go after them. That means knowing how to sell your services, and to have a plan to target your time and energy in the right places.

If you're looking for a few "peeps" of your own who will help you with support, selling ideas and challenging questions, take advantage of the Consultants Gold community and become a member.

We understand what you're going through and our monthly Circle of Success call is a place to learn and share. And we'll keep your unspoken secret.

To Your Success!

Jennifer Leake signature??

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