Monday, October 8, 2012

Google Ranking ? 5 Things Every Business Must Do to Rank High

Search engines like Google continue to be one of the best channels to drive traffic to your website and generate new leads for your business.

There are many factors that affect a website?s rank on Google. The exact mechanism used by search engines to determine website ranking remains a mystery and is one the most well guarded secrets in online marketing. However from many years of experience and research, marketers and SEO experts are able to identify the main factors that influence search engine ranking of a website.

Google Ranking Factors

Source: SEO Moz

Search engine algorithms are constantly evolving to ensure greater emphasis is placed on natural organic methods. At the same time, search engines like Google are placing less emphasis on SEO techniques and methods that are aimed purely to influence search engine ranking. As a result, unnatural practices and many of the link building methods that worked previously do not have the same effect today.

In this article, we take a look at the 5 most important methods that every business must do to rank high on Google search results.

Here are 5 things essential for every website to improve Google ranking:

1. Content Creation

Content marketing has become the most effective way to attract users. The last few years have seen a significant increase in the importance of content creation as an SEO technique. An ever increasing number of business, small and large, are dedicating resources towards creating and publishing quality content on their website.

The days when only bloggers, journalists or publishers were focused on creating content are long gone. Today, content creation has become one of the most important SEO tools and is arguably the single most important factor for improving your website?s rank on Google.

Following are some ways you can publish quality content on your site on a regular basis:

  • Starting a blog on your website
  • Adding a News Section
  • Articles or Resouce section
  • Publishing eBooks, Reports or other publications
  • Use Content curation sites

2. Create Link Bait

Link bait is a term used to define any type or content or resource that others consider valuable enough to link to. It is one of the most effective ways to increase back links to your website. Websites that rank high on Google are constantly involved with creating quality link bait content to attract links and improve their search engine ranking. There are several link bait techniques that you can take advantage of e.g. eBooks, Reports, Tutorials, or even digital resources such as templates or apps.

Take a look at the results of a simple 3 page eBook that I had created for my blog a couple of years ago. To date, it has already attracted over 1,700 back links and still counting.

Google Ranking - Use Linkbait

3. Start a Blog

Although we have briefly covered blogs as part of content creation above, it deserves a special mention due to its importance for SEO. Blogs are great for SEO and starting a blog on your website can provide a boost to your search engine rank. In addition to the benefits of adding a blog on your website goes far beyond? providing a medium forpublishing content on a regular basis. Blogs offer a very effective way to attract a huge audience.

Blog SEO - Benefits

Here are some of the main benefits of starting a blog on your website:

  • Blog adds trust and credibility to your business.
  • Blog posts are indexed very fast on Google and tend to rank favourably.
  • It is relatively easy to drive traffic to a Blog.
  • Blogs are a great way to build relationships with customers.
  • Blogs offer an easy way to target multiple long tail search terms on Google.

4. On Page Optimisation

You have to get the basics right in order to rank high on Google. Correctly optimised pages form the basis for any successful SEO campaign and essential to rank favourably.

Following are some on-page factors to consider

  • Keyword rich Page title
  • Keyword rich Meta title and descriptions
  • Ensure each page is individually optimised
  • Use of keywords in a few places in page content
  • Use of keywords in Headings, Bolds and anchor text of links
  • Good internal linking
  • Clean HTML coding
  • Descriptions for all images (ALT tag)
  • At least 500 words of text on the page

5. Social Media Marketing

There are many ways to start using social media for your business.? In addition to providing a channel to market and promote a business,? Social media also has a direct impact on SEO.

Google Ranking - Use Social Media

Social networks and Web 2.0 sites offer an excellent way to build back links to your website which in turn has an influence on search engine ranking. Additionally, social signals such as Google plus votes, ReTweet, Facebook engagement are playing an increasingly important role in search engine ranking. Major search engines including Google and Bing have started to incorporate social signals into their search results.

Good social media presence can have a big impact on your search engine rank. This is set to increase even further in the coming years.

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