Thursday, March 7, 2013

Tips on Making a Long Distance Relationship Work | Red Coat Studio

Most of our readers know that James and I have had to live apart for the past few months. Of course this isn?t by choice. Now, before we get to sad, James and I may be separated by the Atlantic Ocean, but we still have each other, and we will be together again very soon. So don?t think this is a sad article, because it?s not! This is meant to help anyone going through a long distance relationship.

Since the internet is now in everyone?s home, carried around on everyone?s smartphone, and I rarely meet anyone who doesn?t have at least one social media profile, long distant relationships aren?t uncommon. Let?s not forget about military couples as well. There are more LDRs now, than ever before. We?ve decided to share some of the things we do, to make a long distance relationship work when miles and miles apart.

lond distance relationship quote

You must be mutually head over heels in love with each other to make this work. It is not easy. You have to be secure with yourself and secure with your partner. You need a strong amount of dedication towards each other for the effort and patience LDR?s take out of you.

Be strong for each other. Sometimes James has a sad day, sometimes I have a sad day. So when one of us is blue, the other one becomes really positive and supportive. You guys are a team, and you need to act like a team! Your partner in your long distance relationship is the only other person who knows what you are going through, so lean on them. I?m not saying cry every time you speak, but share those feelings. James is the only person who understands how I can go out with friends, have a great time, and still like something is missing? him!

This leads to communication, which is crucial, but communication is an important factor of any relationship, not just distant ones. This article is about long distance relationships, so?

internet long distance love

Make time for each other!
They won?t be able to go to social events with you, and you may have a great time difference between you, so creating a space for each other is important. Even if people don?t understand why you are content with sitting at your laptop for hours and hours, doesn?t matter. They aren?t part of your relationship. Skype is the best invention for LDRs. James and I basically live on Skype. Even when one of us goes out, we can always come home and say hi right away. We sleep on Skype together, it?s comforting to hear your love sleeping next to you, even if it?s from a computer monitor.

eating dinner on skype

Find ways to do things together!
Sacrifice your regular meal times once in a while, set up Skype, light a candle if you want to really go all out, and eat together! Talk about your day, the meal you prepared, and future meals you will cook for each other.

Find something to watch together. James and I spend many a night curled up, having a cup of tea, and watching a movie or documentary together. Now being in two different countries, this becomes a challenge, but it can still be done. We find something on Youtube, documentaries are abundant on there, we pull it up and watch it at the same time. We use headphones, so the sound isn?t echoed, yet we can still talk about it as it?s playing.

Christmas Eve was a perfect example of how we made the best of things. We mailed each other gifts, opened them on Skype, and even though James face was on a computer screen, he was there and able to interact with my family.

James? parents have a big Sunday dinner every week, and he brings me via laptop, and I join in and get to converse with my lovely in-laws.

We also find games to play online together. Spades and Chess are two great examples.

long distance

Have a plan to see each other in person, always!
Maybe a visit can?t be done as soon as you want, because your partner is in the military, maybe you?re going through a visa process like us. Whatever your circumstances are, have a game plan to see each other. You need the goal, and you need the security that there is that goal.

ldr quote

James and I sincerely hope that these tips can help you during your long distance relationship. Even if the simple fact is that we made you feel your relationship is legit, and we understand it, then this article is a success.

We?d love to hear your long distance relationship stories, and tips in the comments below. :)

Love, Tamara


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