Sunday, December 23, 2012

Invest In Your Life | Feng Shui Tips | The Tao of Dana


(Jeff Koons)

Investment.? Its not just money. Its time. Its the willingness to expose yourself.? Its vulnerability.? Its effort.? Its?sometimes sacrifice.? Investment is? the foundation of all wealth.? Investment is the willingness to show up for each day?and make it count.

I realized something remarkable when I looked back upon the last year: Things move the fastest when there?s a real investment in what is happening.? When life was moving most ?right? I was deeply invested on every level in the outcome.? That?s not consistent.?I?ve been too comfortable at times.? Too comfortable feels uncomfortable. ?Next year, I?m willing to go all in.?

Are you invested in yourself & your life?

Working with so many clients in the past few years and going through my own seismic wave of life earthquake and aftershocks, I realize that there is a? simple litmus test to see if you are totally invested in your life: ask yourself if you feel truly and unilaterally excited about things.? People who are all-in tend to complain very little and move fairly quickly. Oh, yes? when you are all-in you tend to realize that you can technically fail (its not really failing in you are giving things 100,000 %) ?and the stakes are high enough to make it interesting.

Where and how to start investing more in yourself??

Some ideas:

Buy yourself a gift that will dramatically improve your health & personal energy.? For you this might mean a trip to a nutritionist, a gym membership, acupuncture, energy work, new sneakers, holistic remedies, vitamins?. For me, this year, its a Vitamix. I know what high-powered smoothies and daily doses of greens do for my universe and mind, and a monster blender is invaluable.

Give yourself a beauty regime. For both men & women, some attention to presentation is a huge step up in life.? Trust me, when my world was rocked by a sudden family catastrophe, I lived in sweatpants, glasses and a makeup-free face.? I wanted to vanish.? As I recovered, a beauty regime was a big way to introduce myself back to society.? Its not about perfection, its about pride and self-esteem.? Sometimes you don?t need money but, rather, to take the?time and attention to be more of your most beautiful.?

Learn more about your sexuality, intimacy levels?and its creative power.? Kim Anami?s work has taught me so much about sexual energy & one?s life.? If you aren?t respecting and nurturing your sexual energy in a positive way, you are not fully experiencing life.? Check her out right HERE.? Her writing is so amazing, it will astonish you in an of itself.

Up-level your home, even in a small way.? Decide that you will invest in something you need- be it a proper?desk chair or a new set of sheets- and do?it!? It can only fully enhanse your life!?This entire blog is packed with ways to make improvements. Pick one that appeals to you and do it!!!

Commit to building wisdom in an area you are lacking. This is a big one: if you are too afraid to take leaps in life, you may need to learn more first.? Knowledge builds your confidence and fills in important blanks.? Every so often I stroll through Amazon for an hour on so?and buy a load of books to fill in the gaps in my knowledge and interest. You can do the same with your local library, though I tend to read books more?than once and I love supporting authors and experts!

I?m not gonna lie- the act of making self-investment can be emotional and even terrifying at first?but if you know its your path, it will fall into place.???Whether you take an idea above or take from your own wish list, my personal wish for you is that you dare to put more of your excellence into the world and that you create more joy around you as you do!?


If you are a feng shui tip lover and want to?get an inside-line on all sorts of?gorgeous, fun inspiration, methods and new goodies to help you design your dream life, join?my special list right?HERE.???

And, if you are ready to?take it to the next level? & ?design your dream life with me, you can work with me one-on-one?online?or?in-person?to make the big moves!

I always love hearing from you! xoxo Dana


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