Sunday, September 30, 2012

Ouch of Pocket (Unqualified Offerings)

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Iran touts domestic Internet as Gmail ban rankles

TEHRAN (AP) ? Iranian officials announced that they would soon introduce local alternatives to Google and its Gmail e-mail service, even as the country's media and even some officials stepped up complaints over Tehran's decision to enact a ban on Gmail in response to an anti-Islam film, newspapers reported on Sunday.

Last week, Iran blocked Gmail -- but not the search engine of the parent company Google -- in response to a court order linked to the distribution of a low-budget, U.S.-produced film on YouTube, also owned by Google.

In a country with 32 million Internet users out of a population of 75 million, according to official statistics, that ban has caused widespread resentment. Even many pro-government newspapers have complained of the disruptions.

"Some problems have emerged through the blocking of Gmail," Hussein Garrousi, a member of a parliamentary committee on industry, was quoted Sunday by the independent Aftab daily as saying. He said that parliament would summon the minister of telecommunications for questioning if the ban was not lifted.

The deputy minister, Ali Hakim Javadi, told reporters that Iranian authorities were considering lifting the Gmail ban, but also wanted to introduce their own domestic alternatives: the Fakhr ("Pride") search engine and the Fajr ("Dawn") e-mail services, Aftab reported.

Iran's clerical establishment has long signaled its intent to get citizens off of the international Internet, which they say promotes Western values, and onto a "national" and "clean" domestic network. But it is unclear whether Iran has the technical capacity to follow through on its ambitious plans, or is willing to risk the economic damage.

Bans on Gmail and other services like YouTube and Facebook have left Internet users scrambling to find ways to bypass the blocks.

On Saturday, Asr-e Ertebat weekly reported that Iranians had paid a total of 4.5 million US dollars to purchase proxy services to reach blocked sites over the past month.


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Libya thwarts planned anti-militia protests

TRIPOLI/BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) - Authorities in Libya thwarted plans for a huge demonstration against militia in the capital Tripoli on Friday, while in Benghazi, scene of mass anti-militia protests last week, supporters of an ousted Islamist group returned to the streets.

Activists had hoped that a planned demonstration in the capital would be as successful as a giant anti-militia protest held in Benghazi last week, but only about 400 protesters turned up on Friday after the country's mufti and mosque preachers warned people not to attend.

Those that did turn up gathered in Tripoli's Algeria Square and then marched to the main Martyr's Square, chanting and clapping, and bemoaning what they described as an attempt to silence them.

"I am one of the people who carried a gun and fought (Muammar) Gaddafi, and now I am back on the square, to say 'no' again. No to the leaders of militia, yes to a civil state," said protester Murad Zikri, who runs a school in Tripoli.

Last week's Benghazi protests were the biggest outpouring yet of public anger at the militias that still patrol the country a year after the end of the civil war that toppled the late Libyan autocrat.

The protests were spurred in part by a backlash against an attack on the U.S. consulate there that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.

But the government, which enthusiastically backed last week's protest, appears to have decided to withdraw its support for street action. The mufti of Libya, Sadeq al-Gharyani, announced that the protests should be halted.

"I call on the people not to participate in this march so that no blood is spilled," he said beforehand. "There are some people who want to use these protests to cause violence." His condemnation was repeated at mosques.

Many of those protesters who did turn up criticized Gharyani for having spoken out against the march, chanting: "Where where where? Where are you mufti?"


Activist Kulud Dribikha, 50, said the authorities had withdrawn support for anti-militia demonstrations after feeling threatened when marchers clashed with powerful groups that back the government at the end of last week's Benghazi demonstration.

"They wanted a scapegoat for the attack on the U.S. embassy. They didn't expect (the demonstrators) to reach the groups that they support," she said.

In Benghazi, the scene of last week's huge anti-militia protest, a small group of supporters of the Islamist group Ansar al-Sharia, who had been driven out of the city by demonstrators last week, protested outside a hospital that used to be guarded by the fighters, demanding they be allowed to return.

Men later attacked a nearby police station, where they threw grenades at a gate and trashed cars. Police said no one was hurt and the crowd was dispersed.

Armed men also turned up at a second police station and opened fire. Police officer Muftag al-Zuwai said two people had been wounded there before a group of civilians had arrived and helped chase the gunmen away.

Soldiers on the scene fired in the air to disperse a crowd, and in the melee attackers attempted to set prisoners inside free.

An anti-militia protest planned for Friday in Benghazi was called off. "There really isn't a mood for a protest in Benghazi," said Wanis Najim, one of the organizers.

Since the death of Stevens, the government has faced calls to rein in the militias. It has taken a twin-track approach - shutting down Islamist militias operating without permission, but also offering public backing to many of the most powerful armed groups, which have official licenses.

(Additional reporting by Ali Shuaib and Marie-Louise Gumuchian in Tripoli and by Ghaith Shennib in Benghazi; Writing by Peter Graff and Marie-Louise Gumuchian; Editing by Andrew Osborn)


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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Why Doesn't Obama Take More Of An Interest In Golf?

Why Doesn't Obama Take More Of An Interest In Golf?

I mean this seriously. He has played over a hundred rounds of golf since his swearing in. That's a lot of golf. Yet, he doesn't appear to be a fan of golf at all. This is odd for someone that plays as often as he does.

Bill Clinton was famous for his love of watching and attending PGA events. Buzz Patterson's book Dereliction of Duty describes some of this, ahem, passion.
I approached President Clinton on three occasions at this golf tournament, Roger, to ask him for the go-ahead to launch this attack. We had Air Force fighters in the air, ready to drop bombs and to repel Saddams forces, and on three occasions, President Clinton could not be bothered to take the phone call from Sandy Berger. So, on three occasions I approached the President, he brushed me offhe wanted to watch the golf tournament. So I saw, really, for the first time, the dereliction of duty, as it were, by President Clinton not being ablenot being willing to take the phone call while thousands and thousands of Kurds were being slaughtered by Saddam Hussein.
Both Bushes were big golf fans as well. As I watch the Ryder Cup this weekend, I am reminded of this story:
Entering the final day, the Americans were four points down, a huge margin to make up. But they had been given a pep talk by the then Governor of Texas, George W Bush, who had read out the no surrender address from the Battle of the Alamo. It was so belligerent that David Duval stormed out of the locker room shouting, Lets go out and kill them. The Americans duly staged an almighty comeback and it all came down to the 17th green. The US player Justin Leonard nailed a monster 45ft putt, which prompted his team-mates, their wives and caddies to rush on to the green and high-five each other, dressed in their ludicrous maroon uniforms that made them look like they worked at a cut-price pizza joint. They had forgotten that Jos Maria Olazbal, the Spaniard, had yet to finish his game. Olazbal, looking flustered, missed his putt and America won the Ryder Cup.
Talk to any of your friends or family that golf frequently, and I can assure you they are watching or paying attention to the Ryder Cup. This is hardly some game-changing issue. It's just... very odd. Posted by: JohnE. at 11:38 AM


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Common Myths About Contraception | Health |



Whether it?s generally prepping yourself on the different kinds of contraceptives available in the market or zeroing down on the right birth-control method for yourself, thanks to common myths ? misconceptions and hearsay about the various contraceptives and birth-control methods, you could be exposed to a lot of incorrect information. If you don?t want that to become detrimental in your decision-making process, why not debunk all those silly notions you?ve nurtured about contraception and learn the facts!

Myth: Birth control pills make you gain weight
Fact: You?ve probably read this on the internet or heard it from a friend who swears they?re the reason why she has piled up those extra kilos! But it?s false. Though the pill has been around for almost 50 years in the market, even today, most women believe that these pills are the culprit for any excessive weight gain. Birth control pills contain two synthetic female hormones ? estrogen and progesterone. Though they are known to cause fluid retention, in today?s modern birth control pills, these hormones are in very small doses. So they do not make you gain weight.

Myth: You don?t need to use a contraceptive, if he pulls out before ejaculation
Fact: No matter how quick and efficient he is in bed, ?withdrawal? is definitely not a reliable method, if you want to prevent pregnancy. The fluid secreted by a man for lubrication before ejaculation, also contain sperms. So even if he ejaculates near the vagina, there?s a chance it can lead to pregnancy. If you are planning on using this method over an extended period of time, you should know that it isn?t 100 per cent safe.

Myth: You won?t get pregnant, if you have unprotected sex during your periods
Fact: While the chances of getting pregnant when you are menstruating are reduced significantly, it doesn?t mean that you are in a completely safe zone. If you are a fertile woman, who has reached sexual maturity, there?s always a chance you can get pregnant, if you indulge in unprotected intercourse.

Myth: Two condoms are better than one
Fact: If you think two condoms will give you ?double? protection, think again. Wearing two condoms at one go, increases the chances of friction and can lead to tearing, and is hence more unsafe than wearing just one! Also, if they don?t fit right together, they might slip of. Always use one, the right way.

Myth: Contraception isn?t necessary for women over 35
Fact: As women enter their late 30s, they may believe that their fertility has declined and might be tempted to stop using any form of contraceptive. But that?s a misconception. While after a certain age, fertility does start waning, it doesn?t decline to the extent that you don?t need to use any kind of birth-control method. As long as you have your periods, you could still conceive.??

Myth: Not having an orgasm can prevent pregnancy
Fact: If you think averting an orgasm will help you prevent a pregnancy, you?re definitely compromising on pleasure for nothing! Pregnancy occurs when a sperm from the man fertilises an egg from the woman. It is not necessary for the woman to have an orgasm to get pregnant.

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Stop clicking random short URL links

Short URL

I've been ranting about this all week, so I'm taking a few minutes to blog about it here. Hopefully it does a little bit of good.

By now, everyone knows that OMG clicking a link can maybe reset your Samsung phone and erase all your data!!!11!! Unfortunately, it's true for a good many phones out there, including about a jillion Galaxy S2 models. Like mine. While I'm the first to say that OEMs need to get off their ass and patch the phone of every user in the world that still has a contract or is under warranty, I also know that in the end, it's us -- the users -- that are responsible for our own security. 

For some, like me and many of you, that means getting out the data cable, giving the OEM and their jacked version of Android the finger and flashing a custom ROM that fixes bugs and exploits. There are plenty of AOSP builds already made for my Galaxy S2, and I'll be flashing at least one of them this evening. But some of us can't (or just don't want to) hack things up and deal with different bugs on unofficial firmware. That's cool, too. Not everyone is an idiot who likes to break willing to hack their expensive phone. That means you get to sit and wait for a patch that may never come. What can you do?

Here's a quick and dirty suggestion that will cut down on over 9,000-percent (totally made up figure) of exploits. 

read more


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Friday, September 28, 2012

United Airlines gets 1st 787

In this undated photo provided by Boeing Commercial Airplanes, the first Boeing 787 that will be used by United Airlines, is shown taking off. U.S. travelers are going to be seeing a lot more of the 787, the ultra-lightweight jet that aims to reduce flier fatigue and airline fuel bills. United announced the week ofThursday, Sept. 27, 2012, that it has become the first U.S. airline to get the newest Boeing plane, and flights from Houston to Chicago will begin November 4. The carrier joins All Nippon Airlines and Japan Airlines, who have started 787 service from U.S. cities, or will soon. (AP Photo/Boeing, Matthew Thompson)

In this undated photo provided by Boeing Commercial Airplanes, the first Boeing 787 that will be used by United Airlines, is shown taking off. U.S. travelers are going to be seeing a lot more of the 787, the ultra-lightweight jet that aims to reduce flier fatigue and airline fuel bills. United announced the week ofThursday, Sept. 27, 2012, that it has become the first U.S. airline to get the newest Boeing plane, and flights from Houston to Chicago will begin November 4. The carrier joins All Nippon Airlines and Japan Airlines, who have started 787 service from U.S. cities, or will soon. (AP Photo/Boeing, Matthew Thompson)

U.S. travelers are going to be seeing a lot more of the 787, the lightweight jet built to reduce flier fatigue and airline fuel bills.

United this week became the first U.S. airline to get the newest Boeing plane. Flights between United hubs, including Houston and Chicago, begin Nov. 4. United joins All Nippon Airways, which starts U.S. flights on Monday, and Japan Airlines, which already flies the 787 from Boston to Tokyo.

After years of delays, Boeing Co. has begun delivering a handful of 787s every month. With more than 800 sold to airlines around the world, it will eventually be a plane that travelers encounter regularly. The 787 seats 219 passengers ? making it relatively small for a long-range plane but ideal on routes where it's tough to fill a larger 777.

Boeing claims the Dreamliner will be 20 percent more fuel efficient than comparable jets. And it promises a better travel experience, with more space, better lighting and carefully calibrated air pressure that should lead to fewer flier headaches.

United will fly its new plane from Seattle to Houston on Friday to begin getting it ready for passenger flights.

Here's what U.S. travelers should know about the 787:


A small but growing number of airlines.

Japan Airlines currently flies 787s from Boston to Tokyo, and plans to add San Diego-Tokyo on December 2.

Japan's All Nippon Airways was the first airline to get a 787 a year ago, and starts flights Monday between Seattle and Tokyo's Narita airport. Flights between Narita and San Jose, Calif. begin in January.

United Airlines expects to get five 787s this year. Passengers will first see the 787 on flights between United's U.S. hubs. Then, on Jan. 3, United begins flights from Los Angeles to Tokyo. On March 31, it starts new flights from Denver to Tokyo Narita.

Among U.S. airlines, United Continental Holdings Inc. is going to have the 787 to itself for several years. Delta Air Lines Inc. has pushed its deliveries back to 2020, spokesman Anthony Black said. Around the industry, there's widespread skepticism about whether it will ever take the planes at all.

American Airlines has a commitment ? but not a signed, firm order ? for 42 of the planes, slated to begin arriving in the second half of 2014.

Chilean airline LAN plans to fly 787s from Los Angeles to Lima, Peru, but doesn't have a firm date yet.


Bigger windows and better air.

The 787's bigger windows let in more light, and its ceiling is 15 inches higher than in United's 767s. The air is less dry than on other planes, and the cabin is pressurized to a lower altitude. That will make the air inside feel closer to the air on the ground.

Ray Neidl, an airline analyst for Maxim Group, said he thinks this will be the first plane since the 40-year-old 747 that passengers will go out of their way to fly on.

"People are going to feel a lot more comfortable at the end of a long trip than they would feel on a normal airplane," giving them a reason to seek it out, he said.

United's 787 seats 219 passengers, including 70 in what it calls "Economy Plus." That's a sort of high-end coach seat that has three more inches of legroom, and other perks.

That's a significant number of Economy Plus seats, said Tim Winship who runs But considering the long flights the 787 will be making, United appears to be betting that passengers will pay up (or use frequent flier miles) to get those seats.

For most passengers, 787 or 777 are just numbers. All that really matters is their personal space on board. And the best measure of that space is the seat pitch, or the distance between seats.

By the standard, United's 787 lands in the middle of the pack. United's pitch will be 32 inches in coach, which is roughly comparable to planes that travelers might encounter on other airlines. United and American's 777s have 31 inches of pitch, according to, although American's 767s have 33 to 34 inches. Delta's 767s have 31 to 32 inches, according to the website.

The 32 inches on United's 787 is "pretty much the standard for entry-level coach seating," Winship said. "It's certainly not enough to surprise or delight long-haul flyers."

Associated Press


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Hartsville family planning center gets new home |

After more than a two-and-a-half year wait, Carolina Family Planning Centers will have its own home in Hartsville.

?It has been a labor of love,? said Tammy Robinson, CFPC executive director. ?It?s very exciting and it could not have happened without all the support we?ve received from area churches and the hard work of all the volunteers. I can?t even begin to imagine how much just the labor would have cost.?

CFPC?s will dedicate and show off its new Hartsville office, located at2162 S. Fifth Street, at an open house Saturday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The public is invited.

The organization first began in January 2010, offering assistance to both women and men through unplanned pregnancies. It promotes alternatives to abortion and offerings counseling, parenting skills classes and training, and abstinence education. CFPC also has offices inDarlingtonand Dillon.

Working in conjunction with local churches, Hartsville Interfaith Ministries, the Pee Dee Coalition, and theDurantCenter, the CFPC has served more than 200 families.

Robinson has been with the organization since it first opened, sharing the facilities of the Free Medical of Darlington County onCarolina Avenue. Its office hours were two mornings a week and much of their work was done by meeting with clients at alternative locations.

All that will change come Saturday. The new office, which CFPC will rent, has two counseling rooms, office and storage space, a training room and a full kitchen. It will also have a special store where clients can uses vouchers they obtain by completing classes to purchase items.

?This is going to allow us to do so many more things,? said Robinson. ?Along with parenting classes, we will also have a men?s mentoring class, a women?s mentoring class and a couponing class.?

CFPC?s new office hours are will be Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Robinson said she hopes the Hartsville office can serve as a model for Dillon andDarlingtonoffices and any other offices that may be added. She saidChesterfieldCountyis presently looking at opening a CFPC office.

For more information, visit or on Contact them at (843) 307-1552, or by e-mail at Donations can be made in person or online through PayPal at the CFPC website.









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News-and-Society: Why Green Events Are Increasingly Becoming

Nowadays, with sustainability dominating the charts across majority global issues, an increasing number of event organizers are planning to go green with the events that they are organizing. This helps them to move up a step ahead in the path to reduce environmental burdens. The motive behind green events is to eliminate the negative impact on the environment. Usage of energy efficient materials, proper treatment of food wastage, usage of recyclable materials, etc. are some of the elements that need to be taken care of whilst organizing a green event.

Though events bring together thousands of people and contribute to the local economy but environmentally and socially it leads to creation of tons of waste, use of exorbitant amounts of electricity and increase in carbon monoxide emissions. As per reports put forward by the United Nations World Tourism Organization, tourism's contribution to climate change accounts for approximately 5% of all carbon monoxide emissions. Organizers must therefore strategize on serious efforts to reduce carbon emissions and play a part to a greener and better environment.

Let me now outline some of the benefits of organizing green events that are increasingly making it the preferred choice amongst modern day event organizers.

Contributes To Environmental Protection:

Green events can contribute greatly towards overall environmental protection. By incorporating and implementing sustainable practices while event planning like choosing an energy efficient venue, ensuring composting of food waste, usage of recyclable materials can greatly ensure preservation of the planet.

Improves Company's CSR Responsibility:

Going green largely reflects the organization's commitment towards ensuring a sustainable environment. In a company's Corporate Social Responsibility lies its duty to ensure welfare of the host community and the environment as a whole via basic elements of event planning, implementation and its evaluation. Going green add to the element of welfare for both, thereby enhancing the company's CSR.

Cost Effective:

Green events are quite cost effective since the bulk of the necessary equipments used are either biodegradable or can be re-used for future use. This allows companies to reduce waste and cut costs thus allowing organizers to gain a significant competitive advantage.

Increase Awareness amongst Participants

These sustainable events can pave the way by example a brilliant stage and great means to spread the message of reducing environmental burdens amongst the attending participants and staff. The benefits of such events initiate more awareness of the greening process amongst attendees. This will help participants to become a part of more long term solutions therefore altering their environmental practices and the decision-making process. Such consciousness also helps them grow into better human beings and contribute greatly to the environment.

These are some of the benefits that organizers can enjoy once they go green.

Jonathan is a professional event planner. Event professionals worldwide are increasingly relying on automated software to streamline the online event registration, payment management, and attendee relationship management. Acteva is the market leader in providing event registration solutions at competitive price.

View the original article here


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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Singer Andy Williams dies at age 84

(Reuters) - Andy Williams, who charmed audiences with his mellow delivery of songs like "Moon River" and "Can't Take My Eyes Off of You" in the 1950s and 60s, has died at his home in Branson, Missouri, his family said Wednesday. He was 84.

The blue-eyed Williams, who continued touring and drawing crowds to his Moon River Theater in the music hub of Branson into his 80s, died on Tuesday evening after a yearlong battle with bladder cancer, his family said in a statement.

Williams had 18 gold record and three platinum hits and in his peak years was a regular on television with his own variety series.

President Ronald Reagan called his voice "a national treasure."

Williams was born on December 3, 1927, in tiny Wall Lake, Iowa, and was singing professionally with three older brothers at age 8. The Williams Brothers had steady work on radio and even sang back-up on Bing Crosby's 1944 hit "Swinging on a Star."

Williams went solo after the group broke up in 1951, drew attention with his appearances on "The Tonight Show" and began recording. His first No. 1 hit, "Butterfly," came in 1957.

Later hits included "Born Free," "Days of Wine and Roses," "The Shadow of Your Smile," "Can't Get Used to Losing You," "Solitaire," "Music to Watch Girls By," "Can't Take My Eyes Off of You" and the theme from the 1970 movie hit "Love Story."

He came upon his signature song when asked to sing ?"Moon River" at the 1962 Academy Awards ceremony. Audrey Hepburn had performed the song in the movie "Breakfast at Tiffany's."

"I still love it, as many times as I've done it," Williams told a British newspaper in 2007. "It has a great melody and wonderful lyrics. It's not a bad song to have. It could have been 'Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini.' We forgot to do it one night and 27 people wanted their money back."

Williams' first wife was Claudine Longet, a Folies Bergere dancer he married in 1961, and they had three children before divorcing. After their split, Williams supported Longet when she was charged with fatally shooting her boyfriend, skier Spider Sabich, in 1976 in Colorado. She was convicted of negligent homicide after claiming the gun went off accidentally.


In 1992, Williams built his own 2,000-seat dinner theater in Branson, a city of 10,000 people that had become a regional entertainment center featuring more than 30 theaters, most of which cater to country music acts. He performed there about 20 weeks a year while also putting on a Christmas tour in the United States and occasional tour of Britain.

Williams was a Christmas fixture on U.S. television, dressed casually in a trademark sweater, and he recorded several Christmas albums. In 2006 the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers ranked his "Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow" as the sixth most frequently performed Christmas song and "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year" as No. 11.

Williams had a strong following in Britain, where his career was revived in the late 1990s when ?"Can't Take My Eyes Off of You" and "Music to Watch Girls By" were used in television commercials.

In 1991, Williams married Debbie Haas and they lived in Branson and La Quinta, California.

Williams was a close friend of the powerful Kennedy political family and sang "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" at Robert F. Kennedy's funeral after the U.S. senator from New York was assassinated during the 1968 presidential campaign.

Williams' love of golf was so intense that for several years he hosted a professional tournament that bore his name.

(Reporting by Ellen Wulfhorst and Bill Trott; Editing by Barbara Goldberg and Vicki Allen)


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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Indonesian ferry collides with ship; 8 dead

An Indonesian woman whose daughter was among those who were killed on the ferry accident on Sunda straits weeps at a hospital in Cilegon, Banten province, Indonesia, Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2012. A passenger ferry collided with a cargo ship and sank west of Indonesia's main island Wednesday morning, and at least eight people were killed, officials said. (AP Photo)

An Indonesian woman whose daughter was among those who were killed on the ferry accident on Sunda straits weeps at a hospital in Cilegon, Banten province, Indonesia, Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2012. A passenger ferry collided with a cargo ship and sank west of Indonesia's main island Wednesday morning, and at least eight people were killed, officials said. (AP Photo)

Relatives of the passengers of a ferry that sunk on Sunda straits check updates posted by authorities on a whiteboard at a hospital in Cilegon, Banten province, Indonesia, Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2012. A passenger ferry collided with a cargo ship and sank west of Indonesia's main island Wednesday morning, and at least eight people were killed, officials said. (AP Photo)

Survivors of the ferry accident on Sunda straits comfort each other at a temporary shelter in Cilegon, Banten province, Indonesia, Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2012. A passenger ferry collided with a cargo ship and sank west of Indonesia's main island Wednesday morning, and at least eight people were killed, officials said. (AP Photo)

Survivors of a ferry accident on Sunda straits receive medical treatment at a hospital in Cilegon, Banten province, Indonesia, Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2012. A passenger ferry collided with a cargo ship and sank west of Indonesia's main island Wednesday morning, and at least eight people were killed, officials said. (AP Photo)

Survivors of a ferry accident on Sunda straits receive clean clothing and food at a temporary shelter in Cilegon, Banten province, Indonesia, Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2012. A passenger ferry collided with a cargo ship and sank west of Indonesia's main island Wednesday morning, and at least eight people were killed, officials said. (AP Photo)

(AP) ? A passenger ferry collided with a ship believed to be carrying liquefied natural gas and sank west of Indonesia's main island early Wednesday morning, killing at least eight people, officials said.

More than 210 passengers and crew were rescued, said Heru Purwanto, an official at Bakauheni port on southern Sumatra island. More than 80 survivors have been hospitalized, including at least one who was in critical condition.

The search for survivors continued, though it was unclear how many might still be in the water.

There was no immediate word on the cause of the collision, or whether the South African-flagged vessel carrying the liquefied natural gas was damaged. An expert team has been deployed to check for gas leaks in the carrier, but there have so far been no reports.

The collision occurred about 4 miles (6 kilometers) from Bakaheuni port in Lampung province, said Bambang Ervan, a Transportation Ministry spokesman.

Ten nearby merchant ships quickly responded to the captain's distress signal, sailing in from the busy Sunda Straits to help rescue passengers and crew. Just 20 minutes after the distress signal was given, the ferry sank.

"The ferry went down so fast after the collision," Purwanto said.

Purwanto said eight bodies have been pulled from the waters, including that of a 10-year-old girl. They are believed to have drowned because they could not swim and jumped into the sea without life jackets, he said.

He said the official manifest showed the ferry was carrying 213 passengers and crew, as well as 78 vehicles. It has a capacity for 300 passengers and 70 vehicles.

Manifests, however, are often unreliable in Indonesia because tickets are sold onboard to passengers who are never registered.

Two helicopters and two warships were joined by a naval dive squad and several other search and rescue vessels in the search for survivors, said Gagah Prakoso, a spokesman for the National Search and Rescue Agency.

The Bahuga Jaya ferry links Java and southern Sumatra. It went down about 40 minutes into the 90-minute journey, after departing from Java's Merak port.

Ferries are a major source of transportation in Indonesia, the world's largest archipelago nation, with more than 17,000 islands and a population of 240 million. Sea accidents are common due to overcrowding and poor safety standards.

Associated Press


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Romney jokes about Clinton?s influence on the 2012 election

Romney and Clinton in New York (Lucas Jackson/Reuters)

NEW YORK?Months after he used former President Bill Clinton in ads to attack President Barack Obama, Mitt Romney finally shared a stage with the 42nd president. In an address at the Clinton Global Initiative's annual conference, Romney argued that the United States needs to retool how it allocates foreign aid.

Ahead of his speech, Romney poked fun at Clinton's influence on the 2012 race. After Clinton praised the former Massachusetts governor's support for the service programs City Year and AmeriCorps, Romney joked about the former president's glowing introduction.

"If there's one thing we've learned this election season, it's that a few words from Bill Clinton can do any man a lot of good," Romney said. "After that introduction, I guess all I have to do is wait a day or two for the bounce."

In his speech, Romney outlined plans for a "new approach" to America's foreign aid system, arguing that the U.S. should tie development assistance to requirements that would remove trade barriers to allow for greater U.S. investment and the spread of free enterprise.

"Ours is a compassionate nation. We look around us and see withering, suffering. Our hearts break," Romney said. "But too often our passion for charity is tempered by our sense that our aid is not always effective. We see stories of cases where American aid has been diverted to corrupt governments. We wonder why years of aid and relief seem never to extinguish the hardship, why the suffering persists decade after decade."

Romney argued that temporary aid under the current program can "jolt an economy" but "it can't sustain an economy" because "at some point, the money runs out." He insisted that a foreign aid program should be designed to foster private enterprise and job creation that would have a longer-lasting impact on a country's future.

Romney never directly referenced his Democratic opponent, but his speech was clearly meant to serve as a contrast to Obama's foreign policy approach, which has occurred against the backdrop of unrest in the Middle East and North Africa. The president speaks before the United Nations Tuesday about his policies.

Romney's speech came a day after he criticized Obama's comments on CBS' "60 Minutes" over the weekend, where the president suggested the recent outbreaks of violence overseas were just "bumps in the road." The Romney campaign immediately seized on the remark, suggesting that Obama was downplaying the death of Chris Stevens, the U.S. ambassador to Libya, and other Americans killed in attacks on U.S. diplomatic missions abroad.

Romney made no mention of Obama's comments but offered an implied criticism of the president's policies, arguing that the way to curb violence in the Middle East is to offer not simply foreign aid but opportunities for "work."

"That must be at the heart of our effort to help people build economies that can create jobs for people, young and old alike. Work builds self-esteem. It transforms minds from fantasy and fanaticism to reality and grounding," Romney said. "Work will not long tolerate corruption nor quietly endure the brazen theft by government of the product of hardworking men and women."

In a clear dig at Obama, Romney said if he wins the White House, he hopes to "remind the world of the goodness and bigness of the American heart."

"I will never apologize for America.?I believe that America has been one of the greatest forces for good the world has ever known," Romney said. "We can hold that knowledge in our hearts with humility and unwavering conviction."


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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

prudsys release 3.2.4: new RDE client allows for more intuitive and ...

The focus of the new prudsys RDE 3.2.4. release for the prudsys RDE client is to allow for an even faster and easier RDE configuration through clear design and new functionality. In addition to the user interface, the six other prudsys RDE modules were also updated, expanding their functionality.

prudsys release 3.2.4: new RDE client allows for more intuitive and user-friendly interface with prudsys RDE

The new release of the prudsys RDE 3.2.4 (in short, prudsys RDE) is both technically sophisticated yet agile and easy to use. In recent months, realtime analytics specialist prudsys has not only been working on improving the RDE module itself, but also on the user-friendly operation of the leading personalization solution for online retail.

The result: the new prudsys RDE release can now implement sophisticated and individualized personalization projects even more easily.

RDE Client with clear design and expanded functionality
The focus of the new prudsys RDE release 3.2.4 is the new designed user interface, and not only by a cleaner design, but also through additional added features. The primary objective of this new client is simplification and usability. In this way, various functions such as special projects, parameter settings and statistics can now simply be marked with shortcuts and be called up quickly. Additionally, an extensive template library provides numerous ready-made, immediately accessible solutions. The new template concept, which is now divided into the levels template, boxes and slots, maps the most recommendations requirements realistically.

More in-depth statistics and filter in the Recommendations module
The new release for module prudsys RDE | Recommendations provides extended, more in-depth statistics that allows for the differentiation between recommendation templates and recommendations boxes. In addition to the known and established ratios, collected for all templates, now the recommendation outputs (the so-called prudsys Views) are template-specific and also viewable through the box view. Thus, the user sees the accepted clicks-per-box and the resulting sales amount attributable to each box. With this function, pinpointing exactly where additional revenue is generated is faster and easier than ever before.

Through a more flexible configuration of the recommendation types in the transaction history, it will be possible to discern which elements of the transaction history should be worked on in the future, and in what way. Therefore the user can decide whether the recommendations should be based either on the transaction history in the current session, or only based on transaction data, or whether both databases should develop recommendations together.

Even stronger dynamic price optimization with new algorithms
The module RDE | Pricing, which specializes in the optimization of dynamic pricing based on user behavior, has been expanded to include new algorithms. These allow for price calculation adjustments on virtually any additional parameters (i.e. for holidays, weather). The realtime price adjustment based on the integration of this information is now even faster and more up-to-date. A newly-developed offline simulation can now filter the most effective pricing algorithms for the future, and tests the various pricing algorithms against each other.

Module RDE | Data Cleansing turns into RDE | Search
The module prudsys RDE | Data Cleansing has been continuously developed and expanded to include additional functionalities. In order to better highlight its core functionalities, the module has been given a new name and is now available as prudsys RDE | Search.

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Taiwanese, Japanese ships clash over disputed islands

Kyodo / Reuters

An aerial view shows a Japan Coast Guard patrol ship (3rd from top) spraying water toward a fishing boat from Taiwan as Taiwan's coast guard vessel (4th from top) sprays water in the East China Sea Tuesday.

By NBC's Arata Yamamoto and wire reports

About 50 Taiwanese vessels on Tuesday entered waters near a group of uninhabited islands at the center of a bitter territorial dispute involving Japan, China and Taiwan.

Japanese public broadcaster NHK showed footage of a Japanese coast guard ship shooting water at a Taiwanese fishing boat, while a Taiwanese patrol vessel blasted water at the coast guard ship in reply during an incident near the disputed Senkaku or Diaoyu islands, as they are known respectively in Japan and China/Taiwan.

The Taiwanese vessels ? 40 fishing boats and 10 coast guard ships ? entered the waters to protest the recent Japanese government's purchase of the islands from a private owner.

But by noon Tuesday all of the Taiwanese vessels had left the area, the Japanese coast guard said, after claiming their rights to fish in the area.

Japan infuriates China by buying disputed isles

The islands were nationalized by the Japanese government this month after it emerged that the outspoken governor of Tokyo, Shintaro Ishihara, had been in negotiations with the islands' owner to seal a more provocative deal by promising to build an emergency port for Japanese fishermen and various weather and communications facilities.

Osamu Fujimura, Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary, said during a morning press conference that Japan had lodged a protest with Taiwan.

Yomiuri Shimbun / AFP - Getty Images

A Japanese coast guard vessel (right) sprays water against Taiwanese fishing boats, while a Taiwanese coast guard ship (left) also sprays water in the East China Sea Tuesday.

"In terms of the security surrounding the Senkaku Islands, we will continue to work together with the relevant ministries with a sense of alertness, and gather various information and vigilantly monitor the situation," he said.

"Our position is that this needs to be resolved under framework of our friendly ties with Taiwan, and to deal with the situation calmly," he added.

Chinese protesters: 'The Diaoyu islands belong to China!'

While few experts expect a military confrontation, an unintended clash at sea would increase tension, although all sides are expected to try to manage the spat before it spirals out of control.

NBC News emailed Taiwan's foreign ministry requesting comment on the incident and received a reply saying, "Thank you for your concerns about the issue, and please be patient for our further response."

September 18, the anniversary of Japan's 1931 invasion of Manchuria, is seen as a day of national humiliation in China, marked by protests even when relations with Japan are stable. This year's anniversary came amidst a Sino-Japanese dispute over an island chain called the Senkaku islands in Japanese and known to Chinese as the Diaoyu islands. NBC's Angus Walker reports.

The islands are also claimed by China, which has long regarded Taiwan as a breakaway province that is actually part of China.

Meanwhile in China, Japan's Vice-Foreign Minister Chikao Kawai began talks with his Chinese counterpart, Zhang Zhijun, the first diplomatic meeting between the two countries since anti-Japanese riots erupted over 100 cities across China amid rising tensions over the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands.

Emotional anniversary reignites anti-Japan protests in China

Before Tuesday's meeting, the Japanese envoy told journalists that he planned to explain Japan's position in a frank manner.

"Considering the difficult situation involving Sino-Japanese relations, we would like to do our best to move our relationship forward,? Kawai said.

Much at stake for US as tensions rise in troubled China Seas

A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman on Monday suggested that a resolution of the dispute would be difficult.

"China will elaborate on its position on the Diaoyu Islands, demand that Japan correct its mistakes and make efforts to improve Sino-Japanese relations,? Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hong Lei said, according to the UPI news service.

Reuters and NBC News staff contributed to this article.

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Monday, September 24, 2012

Venezuela, China sign deal to develop gold mine

Published: Sep 22, 2012 at 3:14 PM MDT
CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) ? Chinese and Venezuelan officials signed an agreement Friday to jointly develop one of the world's largest gold mines.

The agreement to develop Las Cristinas gold mine was signed by officials of the Venezuelan government and the Chinese company China International Trust and Investment Corp., or Citic. The mine in southern Bolivar state has been estimated to hold about 17 million ounces of gold.

President Hugo Chavez called it an agreement to begin exploiting both gold and copper deposits at the mine. He called Las Cristinas "one of the biggest reservoirs of gold that exists ? not only in Venezuela, not only in Latin America, but in the world."

Officials didn't discuss financial details of the agreement but said it specifies engineering, construction and processing of the gold and copper. Chavez said officials also signed an agreement to produce a map of mineral deposits in the South American country.

He announced the deals after a meeting with Chinese officials at the presidential palace. Chavez said they also agreed to deepen cooperation in Venezuela's oil industry.

China's ties with Venezuela have grown rapidly in recent years. China also has become the country's biggest creditor, offering Chavez's government more than $36 billion in loans, which are being paid off largely with increasing oil shipments.

Last year, Toronto-based Crystallex International Corp. said it sought international arbitration after Venezuela rescinded its contract to develop Las Cristinas mine. The company said it had appealed to a World Bank arbitration body, claiming it was due $3.8 billion in compensation.


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Explosion at north Nigeria Catholic church

Published September 23, 2012

Associated Press

Witnesses say an explosion has struck near a Catholic church in north Nigeria, a region under attack by a radical Islamist sect.

An Associated Press journalist heard the explosion after 9 a.m. Sunday in the city of Bauchi. The AP journalist said the blast occurred at St. John's Catholic Church in the city.

Emergency responders declined to immediately say whether there were casualties, though the explosion occurred during an early morning Mass.

A radical Islamist sect known as Boko Haram has attacked churches throughout Nigeria's north with gunmen and suicide car bombers. The sect is blamed for more than 680 killings this year alone in Nigeria, according to an AP count.


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